Super helpful app! Easy to navigate and lots of useful tips. I highly recommend!
Super helpful app! Easy to navigate and lots of useful tips. I highly recommend!
As a parent, you will be thrilled to have this App "in your back pocket" to help with those tantrum times. They should call it "the calming app." You and your child can remain calmer, thanks to this app.
What a great app! When emotion runs high or cooperation is low, it can be hard to find the right words to help our kids through those moments while maintaining consistent limits. This app gives quick tips for useful phrasing during those times, all in one place. Highly recommended!
I bought this app to show my sister, who has twin toddlers, because my kids are 12 and 9. But when my 9-year-old started whining during a drive, I handed the phone to my 12-year-old, who took her through some of the questions and exercises using a "parental" voice. That got her laughing instead of whining. PS: Ive also seen it work on toddlers.
This is a brilliant tool for parents of young children. Great positive discipline advice for so many everyday struggles right at your fingertips. This is so needed! I will definitely be recommending this to the parents I speak to every day.
This app is perfect for modern parents and Im not just saying that because I contributed to it. I work extensively with families and in the midst of drama with our children, we dont have the time or the headspace to go look up a chapter in some parenting book. This apps gives you INSTANT TOOLS at your fingertips! Andrea Nair is an amazing parenting educator. This app is the best parenting tool since...I dont know...parenting sliced bread. Download it now: simple, effective parenting tips and tools.
I love this app!
Things happen and oftentimes parents need help. Why phone a friend or dig for a book (unless its my book, obviously) when you have the help you need right in your pocket? This app works wonders and that means everybody wins!
Taming Tantrums provides us parents practical, timely, and expert advice needed to negotiate any situation with our kids across a broad range of behavioral scenarios (e.g. defiance, picky eating, cleaning up, doing daily tasks, bedtime routines, whining, etc.). The app also offers useful links to additional authoritative information, websites, and resources geared toward forging healthy relationships, with ourselves and with our children. Whether youre looking for quick emergency advice to navigate an episodic meltdown in the moment (whether from your child, yourself, or both) or you seek longer term wisdom on how to become a more patient, positive, and effective parent, Taming Tantrums has you covered. Get this app, and study up...There WILL be a test.
What a brilliant app for in-the-moment parenting support! Andreas ideas and words are always comforting and supportive but clear. Super tool for busy parents.
A quick trip through the Internet pretty much offers similar thoughts. Not worth spending any money on this app.
Why did I not know about this app way earlier in my life?! Thank you! Its AMAZING.